b'CORN, SORGHUM AND OILSEEDSHow to Sow the Seeds of Success FLORENT BARDET Operations Leader France EuralisOperational excellence is managing theSpain, Romania, Ukraine and Russia),and ensuring commitment, alignment and short- and long-term activities in such awhich are a wealth of skills. communication. way that it generates value, on one sideThese are pillars of our leadershipIt is important to do the right thing, for our customers and shareholders, andmodel and support operational excellence.the right way, every time. For example, in on the other side value for our employeesIt clarifies communications, acceleratesour company, we operate a yearly calen-and partners and in particular our growerproblem solving, decision making anddar where we have put tasks to be done, network. It is important to add that dataaction taking, but also reduces wastingand these are reviewed for example on the management across the company is keytime on a global scale and improves get- supply part during the monthly supply to leverage operational excellence. Inting things right the first time. review.our company, an ambitious program hasBut as some of you may know, forAny factory runs also shift daily tier started to increase digitalisation in dif- operational excellence, you need opera- meetings to ensure that Health, Safety ferent processes. tional discipline, and this is the key. It isand Environmental Protection (HSE), Achieving operational excellencebased on three supporting practices:Quality and Adherence to the plan are provides added value for your customers,a) leader standard work, which is allunder control.but also has other benefits. Happy employ- the routine that a leader has to executeThis routine helps us to save time, ees will generate happy customers andpersonally or with a group to ensure con- by anticipating, accelerating and adapting vice versa. In my point of view, makingtrol and progress of the business activities.when necessary and this frees up time for employees happy is not about providingb) visual management to monitor andcreativity.rest rooms or baby food, but giving senseshare key indicators and process controlAs we all know, even best in class and perspective to the daily work, gather- points. This leads to continuous improve- companies have to manage claims or ing teams around common objectives andment through the execution of our plan andnon-conformities. We aim to delegate challenges, developing people, listeningmeasurement and correction of deviations. decision in a structured way, close to the and proximity of the managers. Anotherc) tier meetings to gather teams andvalue creation and apart from that, we benefit is Best Practice sharing becausepromote collaboration at any level of theshare lessons learned from errors and use Lidea has eight factories (in France,organisation around common objectivesit as an opportunity to improve.SEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIESWhen Farmers Say: This is What I Need! VALENTIN MIHAI Category Marketing ManagerCortevaEvery farmer has a tremendous love andensures that the farmers investment ingiven by a premium fungicide seed treat-passion for everything agriculture. ButPioneer genetics will be protected rightment and also because of the bio-stim-beyond that love, there is also a smartfrom the start, so that it can reach itsulant Lumibio-Kelta that accelerates the businessman, who looks very carefullyhighest potential. development and growth of the roots. And that all the money he invests in his busi- Thisproductwaslaunchedinthis in turn helps the plant to easily over-ness, will return as profit. And lets beRomania two years ago and already ispass this stressful period.honest, at the end of the day, this is thea well-known brand among all farmers,We have already many examples engine that moves every operation inequal to the drought tolerant AQUAmaxfrom farmers where the treatment with todays economy. Translating that to thecorn hybrids. And why is that? It stemsthe product made a huge difference for farmer, it means that he needs to controlfrom the simple fact that the product isplant growth and development in the all the processes on his farm, he needs toanother example of Cortevas guaranteeearly stages. It was very easy to see from optimize these processes and search forthat each seed that the farmer is planting,a visual standpoint, and also translated the best efficiency, and make sure thatwill be nurtured and protected againstto a higher yield potential.ultimately this translates into stability. environmental threats. This allows everyYou want to know when you are suc-In the real agronomical world, all theplant to reach its genetic potential to thecessful with your product? You know it farmers are looking for stability, in pro- fullest. when farmers come to you and ask for it. cesses, in tools, in genetics and in prod- Farmers have quickly understoodData, pictures, measurements are over-ucts. Luckily for farmers, there is now onethat in high stress environments, such aspassed by the enthusiasm of those farm-product that brings exactly that stabilitya cold, wet soil, or where the ground isers who said, This is what I need!.and safety to the farm: Lumigen. Andcovered with debris, seeds treated with the great thing is that it brings stabilityLumigen provide an obvious advantage. in difficult agronomic conditions. ThisThis is the result of the strong protection EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 29'