b"CORN, SORGHUM AND OILSEEDSStanding Out From the Competition CLINE CAUHAP Customer Satisfaction Leader at LIDEAEuralisEUROPEAN SEED (ES): YOU AREoffering them personalized, sustainabletries is a sign of the satisfaction of our OPERATING AMONG MANY OTHERand creative added value solutions. customers. But that would be quite MULTINATIONAL AND MULTICULTURALinsufficient. We also want to develop a SEED COMPANIES. HOW DOES YOURES: WITH MULTIPLE CROPS FOR MULTIPLECustomer Satisfaction process: under-SEED COMPANY MANAGE TO BECOUNTRIES IN YOUR PORTFOLIO, HOWstanding the needs of our farmer custom-DIFFERENT AND STAND OUT FROM THECAN YOU MAKE SURE THAT YOU SATISFYers, measuring the level of satisfaction COMPETITION? ALL YOUR CUSTOMERS? of these needs through our offers, and EURALIS Semences and CAUSSADELidea offers a wide range of seeds: maize,implementing solutions to improve this Semences Group formalised their alliancesunflower, straw cereals, rapeseed, foragelevel of satisfaction.on 1 September 2020 by creating LIDEA.and plant cover, soya, sorghum, pulses Already one of the top 10 global field cropand is present throughout the widerQ: FOR A SEED COMPANY TO BE seed companies, the new entity aims toEurope. When we build solution portfoliosCOMPETITIVE, WHICH SHOULD BE ITS be a multi-crop leader in Europe. for our brands, we consider the full rangeMAIN FEATURES?We see this position as a major playerof needs of our users, including seedsOur competitors are global companies, as a new responsibility: when agricultureand around the seeds offer. Our marketborn out of mergers of major players in is undergoing fundamental changes, themanagers report on farmers' needs and,seeds, phytosanitary products and tech-seed profession takes on a new dimen- once the species range has been globallynological innovations. To remain compet-sion. We need to think differently aboutdefined, adapt it to the requirements ofitive in this environment, it is necessary seeds to help agriculture meet all theits market, selecting the options that willto reach a critical size allowing to main-challenges it faces such as food demand,be adapted to the needs of its customers.tain the investment efforts in research, societal expectations, sustainability, cli- In this way, a farmer can find a solutionto deploy the production tools necessary mate change, etc. for his entire crop rotation in our offer. for its activity and, to be able to promote In this context, we differentiate our- and to supply the customized solutions. selves by developing our proximity to farm- ES: HOW DO YOU MEASURE CUSTOMERWith the merger we can reach this critical ers, by orienting our creativity and capacitySATISFACTION? size and deploy our international growth to innovate to meet their needs and byThe sales dynamics in each of our coun- strategy.SEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIESHow Space Research is Helping Farmers on the GroundANDRE NEGREIROS EMEA Regional Seed Applied Technologies LeaderCortevaOur climate is changing, there is no doubtregulatory demand towards lower quan- ronments to life and is now providing about that. And this is causing two things.tity and less toxicity. I am happy to saysuch great benefits to plants on earth.On the one side there is an increased abi- that most of our portfolio is composedThis solution brings a whole bunch otic stress with more extreme swings inof new active ingredients that are per- of benefits to crop establishment such temperature, drought, and excess pre- fectly suited to that shift in demand. Weas visible early stage effects on germina-cipitation. And on the other hand, we seeare offering products with lower usagetion, plant root development and young that farmers are being confronted withrates, lower environment impact, veryplants strength/height, all leading to pests and diseases that until now weresafe to farmers, to seed treatment oper- potential higher yields. Just to give you not particularly important, but due toators and to beneficials (microorganismsa recent example: early on in 2020, sev-the changing climate are on the rise, andor non-target insects). Besides that, oureral fields were affected by an unusual require a different solution company is investing massively on bring- very cold spring (early frost), and there So, for us in the seed sector, thating biological offers to be able to assistit was easier to observe plants treated means that we will need to be able toour customers in all their needs. with our product as the seeds were ger-deliver products that can better cope withOne of the products that I am reallyminating faster and recovering quicker that. Seed companies will need to shiftexcited about is LUMIDAPT. This is afrom the stress versus untreated plants. gear and start offering something thatnew type of organic mineral fertilizerIn 2020 over 5 million hectares of hybrid can help crops and therefore farmers. Notengineered to enhance plants metaboliccrops with this brand-new growth nutri-only a need for better genetics, but also aactivity, physiology, and stress durabil- tion seed treatment was grown, and our need for better seed applied technologiesity in a proactive manner. Did you knowgoal for 2021 is to reach over 10 million (SATs) that are giving plants a competi- that it was developed in space? Amazinghectares with this solution. It is quickly tive advantage. to realize that this product comes frombecoming the new standard for hybrid At the same time, there is a differentresearch in one of the most hostile envi- crop establishment.EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 19"