b'VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4europ a seede nEUROPEAN-SEED.COMKemp House, 152-160 City Road, London EC1V 2NXADVISORY BOARDUnited Kingdom Nigel Moore, KWS Eric Devron, SICASOV PUBLISHER Carl-Stephan Schfer, BDP Shawn Brooksbrook@issuesink.comAntonio Villaroel, ANOVE Adrian Giordani, Bayer EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Martin Gruss, BayerMarcel Bruinsmbruins@issuesink.com Martin van der Voort, Bejo Zaden Chris Green, Green ResourcesMANAGING EDITOR Valentina Garoia, ESA Michelle Clarkemclarke@issuesink.comStig Oddershede, DLF Gerard Backx, HZPC STAFF WRITERSSuzanne Barratt, BASF (Chair of ESA Communications Committee) Julie Deering, Marc ZienkiewiczADVERTISING SALESCraig Armstrongcarmstrong@issuesink.comwww.facebook.com/EuropeanSeed Dean Frenchdfrench@issuesink.comMARKETINGtwitter.com/EuropeanSeedTheresa Ramsoomairtramsoomair@issuesink.com SUBSCRIPTIONSAndres Jaramilloajaramillo@issuesink.com European Seed is published four times a year. EuropeanCREATIVE subscription rates are: one year 30. International: one year 75.Lesley Nakonechnylnakonechny@issuesink.com To subscribe please email subscribe@issuesink.com. Kyle Dratowanykdratowany@issuesink.comTheresa Ramsoomairtramsoomair@issuesink.comCIRCULATION Please recycle where facilities exist. Dean Frenchdfrench@issuesink.comCONTRIBUTORS No part of this magazine may be reproduced withoutMazaly Aguilar, Treena Hein, Petra Jorasch, Niels Louwaars, the written permission of the publisher. Joe Schwarcvz, Kristiaan Van Laecke, David Zaruk Printed in EnglandDOWNLOAD THEEUROPEAN SEED MOBILE APP FOR FREE!Stay connected and engaged with all the latest news trending in the European seed industry.Sponsored by:Features: Easy click or swipe menu navigationCurrent stories at a glance iOS and Android mobile and tablet versionsEnlarged text for easy readingDOWNLOAD DOWNLOADFOR IPHONE FOR ANDROIDScan the code withScan the code with your mobile device toyour mobile device to download our app! download our app!2IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'