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The three main findings of the study include: • A negative yield impact of four per cent resulting in 912,000 tons of missing harvest; • An average of 6.3 per cent of harvest quality losses; • An average of 0.73 additional foliar applications per hectare of culti- vated oilseed rape. The significant environmental impacts within the EU and on a global scale were: • Globally-shifting oilseed rape produc- tion outside the EU triggered a con- version of more than 500,000 hectares of grassland and natural habitats to arable land equalling the loss of over 300,000 hectares of biodiversity-rich rainforest; • In the EU, additional foliar insecticide applications added greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions estimated at 0.03 million tons of CO2 equivalents and 1.4 million m3 of additional water use annually. This amounts to an overall ¤900-million economic impact to the European oilseed rape industry per year. The study also concludes the follow- ing impacts felt by EU farmers: • Across seven countries, oilseed rape crop areas declined by approximately four per cent in 2016; • The combined economic impact across the countries of the loss of pro- duction (¤96 million) and increased cost of production (¤86 million) is NEONIC STUDY REVEALS SEVERE LOSSES IN OILSEED SECTOR NEONICOTINOID BAN HITS FARMERS & ENVIRONMENT New HFFA study calculates costs for oilseed rape industry in EU & implications worldwide MISSING HARVEST 912,000 tons OSR BIODIVERSITY LOSSES OF FLORA AND FAUNA IN THIRD COUNTRIES ADDITIONAL WATER CONSUMPTION 1.3 billion m3 533,000 hectares ADDITIONAL LAND REQUIRED ADDITIONAL GHG EMISSIONS 80.2 million tons CO2 ECONOMIC LOSSES = DIRECT CAP PAYMENTS TO DENMARK1 REVENUE LOSSES FOR OSR FARMERS ALMOST 400 MILLION UPSTREAM & DOWNSTREAM INDUSTRY LOSSES AROUND 360 MILLION ADDITIONAL PRODUCTION COSTS FOR FARMERS CLOSE TO 120 MILLION = GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION OF AUSTRIA FOR ONE YEAR = SIZE OF THE TERRITORY OF CYPRUS = ALMOST THE PRODUCTION OF ROMANIA 900 mio ALMOST estimated to have reduced the indus- try farm gate gross margin of oilseed rape production by ¤182 million, which represents an average reduc- tion of nine per cent in 2015. • A high risk of resistance development due to an estimated five-fold increase in pyrethroid usage. The restriction was put in place follow- ing the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) review of various studies show- ing the impact of neonicotinoids on bees in 2012. The European Commission restricted the application of three neonic- otinoids — clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam — for seed treatment, soil application and foliar treatment in crops attracted by bees. Once all the information is reviewed, the EU will decide whether to lift, maintain or amend the ban. Oilseed rape production provides edible vegetable oils, animal feed and biodiesel. Next to Canada, China, India, Australia, and the Ukraine, the EU is a leading producer of rapeseed oil. NEONICOTINOID BAN HITS FARMERS & ENVIRONMENT New HFFA study calculates costs for oilseed rape industry in EU & implications worldwide MISSING HARVEST 912,000 tons OSR BIODIVERSITY LOSSES OF FLORA AND FAUNA IN THIRD COUNTRIES ADDITIONAL WATER CONSUMPTION 1.3 billion m3 533,000 hectares ADDITIONAL LAND REQUIRED ADDITIONAL GHG EMISSIONS 80.2 million tons CO2 ECONOMIC LOSSES = DIRECT CAP PAYMENTS TO DENMARK1 REVENUE LOSSES FOR OSR FARMERS ALMOST 400 MILLION UPSTREAM & DOWNSTREAM INDUSTRY LOSSES AROUND 360 MILLION ADDITIONAL PRODUCTION COSTS FOR FARMERS CLOSE TO 120 MILLION = GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION OF AUSTRIA FOR ONE YEAR = 2.3 TIMES THE VOLUME OF THE SYDNEY HARBOR = SIZE OF THE TERRITORY OF CYPRUS = ALMOST THE PRODUCTION OF ROMANIA = SLASHING AND BURNING 333,000 HECTARES INDONESIAN RAINFOREST Calculated by use of the National Biodiversity Index (NBI)2 Source: HFFA Research Paper 01/2017 "Banning neonicotinoids in the European Union: An ex-post assessment of economic and environmental costs". The European Crop Protection Association (ECPA), the European Seed Association (ESA), and the European Farmers and European Agri-Cooperatives (Copa and Cogeca) support this new scientific evidence, which is consistent with findings and conclusions of other studies. This research paper was financed by Bayer Division Crop Science and Syngenta. The data cited on missing harvest, economic losses and water consumption refer to annual impacts; the others are one-time impacts related to land conversion. 1 CAP Direct Payments to farmers in Denmark in Financial Year 2014 2 CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity), 2014: Global Biodiversity Outlook 4. Montreal: CBD. 900 mio ALMOST NEONICOTINOID BAN HITS FARMERS & ENVIRONMENT New HFFA study calculates costs for oilseed rape industry in E MISSING HARVEST 912,000 tons OSR BIODIVERSITY LOSSES OF FLORA AND FAUNA IN THIRD COUNTRIES ADDI CON 1.3 533,000 hectares ADDITIONAL LAND REQUIRED ADDI 80. E D UPSTREA INDUSTR AROUND ADD = GR OF = OF = SIZE OF THE TERRITORY OF CYPRUS = ALMOST THE PRODUCTION OF ROMANIA = SLASHING AND BURNING 333,000 HECTARES INDONESIAN RAINFOREST Calculated by use of the National Biodiversity Index (NBI)2 Source: HFFA Research Paper 01/2017 "Banning neonicotinoids in the European Union: An ex-post assessment of economic and environmental (ESA), and the European Farmers and European Agri-Cooperatives (Copa and Cogeca) support this new scientific evidence, which is consistent w Division Crop Science and Syngenta. The data cited on missing harvest, economic losses and water consumption refer to annual impacts; the oth 1 CAP Direct Payments to farmers in Denmark in Financial Year 2014 2 CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity), 2014: Global Biodiversity Outlook 4. Montreal: CBD. TS NT oilseed rape industry in EU & implications worldwide SR ADDITIONAL WATER CONSUMPTION 1.3 billion m3 s ADDITIONAL GHG EMISSIONS 80.2 million tons CO2 ECONOMIC LOSSES = DIRECT CAP PAYMENTS TO DENMARK1 REVENUE LOSSES FOR OSR FARMERS ALMOST 400 MILLION UPSTREAM & DOWNSTREAM INDUSTRY LOSSES AROUND 360 MILLION ADDITIONAL PRODUCTION COSTS FOR FARMERS CLOSE TO 120 MILLION = GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION OF AUSTRIA FOR ONE YEAR RY ON 900 mio ALMOST NEONICOTINOID BAN HITS FARMERS & ENVIRONMENT New HFFA study calculates costs for oilseed rape industry in EU & implications worldwide MISSING HARVEST 912,000 tons OSR BIODIVERSITY LOSSES OF FLORA AND FAUNA IN THIRD COUNTRIES ADDITIONAL WATER CONSUMPTION 1.3 billion m3 533,000 hectares ADDITIONAL LAND REQUIRED ADDITIONAL GHG EMISSIONS 80.2 million tons CO2 ECONOMIC LOSSES = DIRECT CAP PAYMENTS TO DENMARK1 REVENUE LOSSES FOR OSR FARMERS ALMOST 400 MILLION UPSTREAM & DOWNSTREAM INDUSTRY LOSSES AROUND 360 MILLION ADDITIONAL PRODUCTION COSTS FOR FARMERS CLOSE TO 120 MILLION = GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION OF AUSTRIA FOR ONE YEAR = 2.3 TIMES THE VOLUME OF THE SYDNEY HARBOR = SIZE OF THE TERRITORY OF CYPRUS = ALMOST THE PRODUCTION OF ROMANIA = SLASHING AND BURNING 333,000 HECTARES INDONESIAN RAINFOREST Calculated by use of the National Biodiversity Index (NBI)2 Source: HFFA Research Paper 01/2017 "Banning neonicotinoids in the European Union: An ex-post assessment of economic and environmental costs". The European Crop Protection Association (ECPA), the European Seed Association (ESA), and the European Farmers and European Agri-Cooperatives (Copa and Cogeca) support this new scientific evidence, which is consistent with findings and conclusions of other studies. This research paper was financed by Bayer Division Crop Science and Syngenta. The data cited on missing harvest, economic losses and water consumption refer to annual impacts; the others are one-time impacts related to land conversion. 1 CAP Direct Payments to farmers in Denmark in Financial Year 2014 2 CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity), 2014: Global Biodiversity Outlook 4. Montreal: CBD. 900 mio ALMOST