b'WHY A FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND BARLEY AGRONOMY RESEARCH PROGRAM IS A BIG DEALGrowBarley will take the crop to new heights as modern varieties need a solid agronomy package.Marc ZienkiewiczBIG THINGS ARE happening in barley research.With the announcement of GrowBarley, an agronomy research program that could be the first of its kind, Canadas barley sector is taking a big step forward. The initiative, spear-headed by the Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute (BMBRI), the Canadian Barley Research Coalition (CBRC) and the western Canadian barley commissions, promises to help revolutionize barley research and devel- Michell Japp is research and extensionAAFC Lacombe research scientist Hiroshi opment, organizers say. manager for SaskBarley. Kubota introduced the GrowBarley program during the 2024 Barley Symposium in GrowBarley was the brainchild ofSaskatoon, Sask., last month.Mitchell Japp, research and extension manager for SaskBarley. It was started out of a pressing need identified withinto the disparities within barley cultiva- bly in maintaining barley as a profitable the barley industrya need to pushtion.crop amidst competition from wheat and agronomy forward.By addressing these needs, we aimcanola. Extreme weather conditions also Over time, we noticed a significantto ensure that barley remains competi- pose a threat, underscoring the impor-leap in genetic potential among barleytive alongside other crop types in thetance of ongoing research efforts, she adds.varieties emerging from breeding pro- agricultural landscape, Japp says. Looking ahead, Feist envisions a grams compared to the dominant onesGina Feist, executive director offuture for barley driven by innovation, like Copeland and Metcalfe. This shiftBMBRI, is thrilled about this develop- with advancements in genomics, micro-is evident in the synergies observed inment in research funding. The commit- biome research, and precision agriculture varieties and acreage numbers this year,ment of $1.5 million over seven yearspoised to transform the industry. Japp said in an interviewing during thefrom the western Canadian barley com-2024 Barley Symposium in Saskatoon,missionsSaskBarley, Alberta Grains, Sask., last month.Manitoba Crop Alliancealong with Its promising to witness a transitionsupport from CBRC and BMBRI, is towards newer varieties with enhancedtruly remarkable, she says. Watch our interview with Gina Feist attraits such as higher yield potential, lowerSuch long-term commitments areseedworld.com/growbarley-interviewprotein content, improved lodging resist- rare in our industry, and they provide ance and better disease resistance. much-needed stability and support for However, simply treating these newimpactful research initiatives, she says.varieties like their predecessors wouldntAAFC Lacombe research scientist do justice to their full potential, heHiroshi Kubota will collaborate closely says. Thats where the importance of anwith the steering committee, ensuring advanced agronomy package comes intothat his research is not only relevant but play.also swiftly adopted by producers and Without proper management tai- end users.lored to these newer genetics, we risk notThis level of collaboration and fully harnessing their capabilities. long-term investment presents a unique This realization led to the creationopportunity that is seldom seen in our of GrowBarley, dedicated to advancingfield, Feist adds.agronomic research specifically tailoredHowever, challenges persist, nota-MARCH 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 21'