Kenya’s Leaders Called to Embrace Biotech for a More Food Secure Nation

Senate Education Committee Chairman, Daniel Karaba, urged Kenya’s leaders to adopt biotechnology to boost food security. Speaking at a biotech communication and sensitization training for journalists and extension officers July 7-8 in Embu County, Eastern Kenya, Karaba said that countries that had embraced biotech crops are more food secure and have a thriving economy.
“Biotechnology will help Kenya employ more people in agriculture and manufacturing areas,” Karaba said.
He called on local leaders who have participated in study tours in biotech growing countries to share the knowledge gained with decision-makers to encourage acceptance of the crops in the country. He promised to support and advocate for biotech crops to decision makers.
“The Senate will soon hold discussions with the Health and Agriculture Cabinet secretaries in a bid to see how the country can reap the benefits of biotechnology and demystify myths confronting it,” Karaba said.
The workshop was organized by African Agricultural Technology Foundation under the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project. Source: International Services for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications.