Registration Open for NAPB Meeting

Registration is open for the 2016 meeting of the National Association of Plant Breeders. The 2016 annual meeting will be held at the Raleigh Marriott City Center in Raleigh, NC.
Attendees will be welcomed by Dean Richard Linton from North Carolina State University and the keynote speaker will be Dr. Jim Holland from NCSU. Other presentations will be from 2015 NAPB award recipients Dr. Rex Bernardo and Dr. Jennifer Yates and 10 other selected speakers who drive innovation and genetic improvement of agronomic, horticultural, tree, and specialty crops. Graduate student mini-presentations, abstract competition winner presentations, and poster sessions will be a major feature of the program as in previous years.
Social activities will include a welcome reception and two dinners featuring regional foods and live music selected by NCSU graduate students.
More information is available here: