Status India

The 8th National Seed Congress in Hyderabad appealed to the Telangana state government to develop policies that encourage growth of the seed industry.
Delegates asked the government to take steps for the creation of a seed mission that aligns with that of Kakatiya. According to delegates, these steps include government investing resources to develop a seed cooperative, clusters and seed villages.
Attendees also asked for programs to enhance the production of quality seed and encourage exports.
Overseeing all of these activities would be a “Seed Cell” that would advise and coordinate all the activities from seed production to seed marketing. The cell would bring together universities, the department of agriculture, private industry, Indian Council of Agricultural Research institutes, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics and others.
Furthermore, delegates requested that a Seed Knowledge Centre be established by recognizing the Department of Seed Science and Technology as a center for excellence in seed science and research in the state. The center would be designed to provide training and education for stakeholders and work on capacity building with a focus on post-graduate and doctoral studies. Source: Hans India.