UC Davis Plant Breeding Academy Completes First Open Advanced Module Session

Twenty-seven breeders/researchers representing public and private organizations from the United States, Canada, France, Germany and Argentina participated in the first open offering of the course Advanced Module Plant Breeding Academy, held in Davis, California, Nov. 3-5, 2015.
Among the participants was the second recipient of the “Larry Teuber Memorial Scholarship,”Jareerat Chunthawodtiporn who is a Ph.D student at UC Davis.
The module is designed to review the breeding strategies in context of the modern tools, build the necessary background towards understanding and practical application of BLUPs, genomic selection, advanced experimental designs and dealing with testing environments.
UC Davis instructors, Allen Van Deynze and Rale Gjuric, were joined by Bruce Walsh, University of Arizona, to deliver this module.
For additional information and future dates, check the website or contact Joy Patterson at