DuPont Pioneer Launches Encirca Yield Fertility Management Service

DuPont Pioneer releases its EncircaSM Yield Fertility Management Service, a tool for maximizing production within growers’ existing fertility budgets. The program creates precise input modeling for phosphorus, potassium and lime, according to the company. This new service also allows growers to make real-time modifications to fertility plans based on their field and zone-specific nutrient needs, fertilizer budgets and yield goals.
“Nutrient applications are a significant investment for growers each season, and a single rate approach to fulfill crop nutrient needs across an entire field often leaves yield or money on the table,” says Steve Reno, DuPont Pioneer vice president, regional director – U.S. & Canada. “By utilizing the EncircaSM Yield Fertility Management Service, growers can see the precise impact different input levels have on both fertility and cost on a per-acre basis.”
Managing phosphorus, potassium and lime can boost the plant’s photosynthetic capabilities, help plants resist drought, improve soil pH balance, and enhance overall plant quality. The EncircaSM Yield Fertility Management Service provides new insights into these major nutrients that can have a significant impact on profitability each season.
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