Seed World

Bayer CropScience Announces National Availability of Credenz Soybean Seed


Bayer CropScience expands the Credenz soybean seed brand nationally for the 2016 growing season, with offerings in most of the U.S. soybean production regions.
Credenz offers LibertyLink and glyphosate-tolerant traits in more than 55 high-performing varieties suited to local growing conditions and tailored to address growers’ individual needs, now in expanded maturity groups 0 through 7. Piloted last year, Credenz is the first global soybean seed brand from Bayer CropScience.
Credenz soybeans are bred to thrive in diverse field types and are available with the LibertyLink trait, which combines high-performing genetics with the power of Liberty herbicide. The seed also features packages with defensive traits for tolerance to frogeye leaf spot, Sudden Death Syndrome, southern stem canker, Phytophthora root rot, southern root-knot nematode, iron chlorosis, chloride sensitivity, Sclerotinia white mold, brown stem rot and soybean cyst nematode.
More information is available here: