Syngenta Launches Seedcare Application and Resource Center

Syngenta launches the Seedcare Application and Resource Center, a collaborative new website designed exclusively for Syngenta Seedcare customers to quickly and conveniently access Seedcare information and services. This new website is one component of the expanding services available from Syngenta Seedcare.
“The Seedcare Application and Resource Center offers an efficient and collaborative way for treaters to prepare their own unique seed treatment calculations, as well as retain records,” says Pat Foley, Seedcare specialist manager, Syngenta. “This new website will significantly expand our capability to serve our treater customers.”
Information available through this site includes recipe calculators (initially for corn, soybeans, and wheat), along with the capability to save and email seed treatment recipes. Online calculators ensure recipes are based on the most up-to-date information and replace manual spreadsheet calculators. In the future, this site will contain links to technical bulletins and product information. Subsequent releases of the site will also expand on the technical information available to customers.
The website is located at: