Researchers Get to the Root of Plant Stress in Rice

In a rice root pruning study, researchers at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Beaumont used time-lapse photography to monitor rice plant growth and development in response to transplanting density, root pruning and 1-MCP application. (Photo Courtesy of Dr. Abdul Razack Mohammed, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Beaumont).

A Texas researcher is studying what specifically affects rice plants under extreme environmental conditions.
Lee Tarpley, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service plant physiologist, says the study could lead to ways of helping plants thrive in the heat and other stressful conditions.
“We tend to view these environmental stresses as necessary evils — especially temperature stresses — as if there is little we can do to counter the effect,” he says. “We’re finding that we can use specific knowledge of how the stress affects the plant to design prevention measures.”
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