Research Looks at Growing Vegetables with Low Water Use

Dr. Vasile Cerven examines one of the the lettuce varieties grown hydroponically at the Uvalde center. (Texas A&M AgriLife Research photo)

Even with the recent rains, vegetable producers in Southwest Texas know it’s just a matter of time before another drought. That’s why it’s important to find alternative water-use efficient methods for growing vegetables, says Dr. Daniel Leskovar, director of the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Uvalde. Recent research at the center is studying hydroponic production of high-value lettuce cultivars using minimal water.
For the past few years, the center has been investigating the feasibility of hydroponically growing vegetables in southwest Texas. Most recently, investigations by Leskovar and Vasile Cerven, an AgriLife Research postdoctoral researcher in vegetable physiology at the Uvalde center, have focused on the growth and evaluation of 12 types of high-value lettuce.
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