Scientists Develop Global Approach for Long-Range Sequence Data

Scientists at The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) in the United Kingdom have developed a new library construction method for genome sequencing that can simultaneously construct up to 12 size-selected long mate pair (LMP) or ‘jump’ libraries ranging in sizes from 1.7kb to 18kb with reduced DNA input, time and cost.
The TGAC team gained early access to a new piece of technology, the SageELF from Sage Scientific, with the aim to develop a more robust, global approach for accurately sized long-range sequence data. The protocol would be more tolerant to DNA quality and quantity and could ensure that the best possible data was generated for any given sample.
“Improving LMP libraries has been a goal of TGAC’s for some time, and we have previously published a software tool for processing this data to ‘clean it up’ before using it in genome assemblies,” says Darren Heavens, lead author and team leader.
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