Enlist Cotton Moves One Step Closer to Commercialization

The Enlist system exceeds expectations for crop tolerance and weed control, according to Mike Griffin, a Virginia cotton grower.

Today, July 23, the U.S. Department of Agriculture deregulated Enlist cotton — a trait developed by Dow AgroSciences that makes cotton tolerant to the application of a new proprietary blend of 2,4-D choline and glyphosate, as well as glufosinate.
This marks the final approval of all Enlist traits, which includes corn, soybeans and cotton.
However, the company still awaits approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the use of Enlist Duo herbicide on Enlist cotton, two components that comprise the Enlist Weed Control System. The agency has approved Enlist Duo herbicide for use on corn and soybeans.
“The deregulation of Enlist cotton marks a tremendous milestone for the cotton industry,” says John Chase, Dow AgroSciences Enlist commercial leader. “In the South, growers are all too familiar with the challenges created by resistant weeds. Enlist cotton will open the door to other options for in-season weed control with multiple modes of action.”
Pending regulatory approvals, Dow AgroSciences expects to launch Enlist cotton in PhytoGen cottonseed in 2016.