Sakata Seed America Unveils New Melon

Sakata Seed America unveils a new variety of cantaloupe that offers all of the most desirable melon qualities. Bred through traditional breeding practices, Infinite Gold LSL (Long Shelf Life) melon offers long shelf life, high-yield potential and good flavour, according to the company.
The long shelf life characteristics of Infinite Gold help to provide growers with some flexibility in harvest timing based on weather, market prices or the availability of labor. They can be harvested in as little as two to three trips, as opposed to seven or eight for Western Shipper types. Fewer passes save money on fertilizer, use less water and require fewer people and machines, also reducing the risk of contamination and minimizing food safety hazards.
Typically, developing an LSL melon had to come at the cost of overall flavor. Infinite Gold offers the rich flavor and deep coloring that consumers love, creating the perfect balance between melony, musky, sweet and floral. In fact, the flavor of Infinite Gold has ranked higher than the leading competition in flavor, texture, aroma and overall quality in two separate third party research studies, Sakata says.