Fifty Million Flowers Planted in Support of Feed a Bee Campaign

Just 12 weeks after its launch, Bayer CropScience’s Feed a Bee campaign has exceeded its goal of receiving pledges to plant 50 million flowers in 2015.
Feed a Bee works with organizations and individuals to increase forage for honeybees and other pollinators, helping to provide them with the food they need to survive and thrive. Almost 200,000 people have visited and supported the campaign by requesting a free seed packet to plant in their local community, committing to grow a bee-attractant plant or requesting to have the Feed a Bee initiative “plant on their bee-half.”
Almost all experts agree one of the major health factors facing honeybees is a lack of forage areas. With the world population expected to grow to over nine billion people, 70 percent more food will be needed by 2050; bees, therefore, need more food to help them pollinate these crops.
Throughout the rest of the year, individuals are encouraged to continue supporting Feed a Bee by coming back to share their planting photos using #FeedABee on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr. Individuals will have the opportunity to view their planting contributions on an interactive tool on