Hybrids Produce Unprecedented Sorghum Yields in East Africa

The Illinois-based Chromatin, Inc., an agriculture technology company, announced that its newly-introduced hybrid sorghum seed products have achieved unprecedented yields in East Africa.
Chromatin introduced the new hybrids at a grain sorghum workshop it hosted in Kampala, Uganda. To promote and support local growers, Chromatin’s workshop brought together over 50 stakeholders representing farmers, grain traders, insurance and financial supporters, NGOs, suppliers, representatives of end users, and the media.
Chromatin will distribute its high-performing hybrid sorghum seeds across Eastern Africa to help meet the growing demands of the food and beverage industries, as well as meeting the growing needs for animal feed.
“The need for reliable sorghum yields is rapidly increasing in this region and Chromatin’s hybrids are well equipped to meet local production demands,” said Rodney Coe, Chromatin’s associate director of business development and international sales.
Sorghum’s unique biology allows the crop to conserve water resources while producing high yields of grain and biomass on marginal land, making it an ideal crop choice for the dry and arid Eastern African region.