Weather Station Logs Environmental Data

Onset, a leader in data loggers and weather stations, announced the HOBO RX3000 Station — the company’s next-generation data logging weather station that provides scientists, meteorologists and others with instant Internet access to site-specific environmental data anywhere, anytime.
Ideal for agricultural research, ecology studies, climate research and other applications, Onset reports the new station combines the flexibility and sensor quality of more expensive systems with the convenience of plug-and-play operation.
“The HOBO RX3000 makes it fast and easy for researchers to deploy an advanced environmental monitoring station without having to program it, or spend weeks of training on how to set up and use it,” says Jessica Frackelton, Onset senior manager of product marketing. “The user can simply plug in our Smart Sensors and the system will recognize them and begin taking measurements.
“The flexibility we now offer with support for our plug-and-play smart sensors gets magnified by the option for user-installable modules that support even more sensors. That, combined with an LCD display right on the unit, makes web-based environmental monitoring better than ever.”
Yhe HOBO RX3000 Station can be configured with up to 15 channels of plug-and-play Smart Sensors for measuring a range of weather parameters including temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, soil moisture, wind speed and direction, leaf wetness, barometric pressure, photo-synthetically active radiation (PAR) and solar radiation. Swap-in sensor modules allow an additional eight channels of analog sensors to be added.
The station features a solar panel- or AC-powered rechargeable battery, and a double-weatherproof enclosure that provides long-term monitoring. And, the station’s alarm capabilities can notify users of sensor or system failures remotely so they can be fixed before critical data is lost. This eliminates the need to travel out to the field site to check on system operation.
The HOBO RX3000 Station can be equipped with an optional relay module to enable the system to remotely control other equipment in the field. For example, in irrigation management applications, the station’s relay can activate irrigation pumps when soil moisture levels go below the desired minimum threshold, and then turn the system off once the soil moisture nears saturation.
The HOBO RX3000 Station costs $899. For more information, visit