BMR and Conventional Hybrids Allow for Greater Flexibility

DuPont Pioneer has announced its 2015 corn silage hybrid offerings, including the addition of a brown midrib (BMR) with integrated refuge and three non-BMR products.
Pioneer has developed BMR hybrids with solid resistance to northern corn leaf blight and other diseases. These new BMR hybrids offer improved agronomics and improved forage and starch yield potential.
The hybrids were advanced specifically for silage performance both in terms of starch and tonnage. They also offer herbicide and insect resistance packages for growers.
“With the addition of these new hybrids, we continue to provide conventional and BMR silage opportunities to help growers determine the best silage options for their needs,” says Dave Whitaker, DuPont Pioneer product developer. “We understand that growers today want the flexibility to plant different ratios of BMR and conventional silage to achieve maximum silage yields, starch content and fiber digestibility.”