Noble Foundation Releases New Forages

NF101 is well adapted to southern Oklahoma, northern Texas and the southeastern United States.

NF101 is well adapted to southern Oklahoma, northern Texas and the southeastern United States.
NF101 is well adapted to southern Oklahoma, northern Texas and the southeastern United States.

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation forage breeding program has released four new varieties, which will be commercialized by Oklahoma Genetics Inc.
Of the four new varieties, NF101 is the first wheat variety developed at the Noble Foundation for high fall and winter yields for sustainable forage production and better grain production. NF101 is well adapted to southern Oklahoma, northern Texas and the southeastern United States.
“It is an excellent choice for producers wanting to maximize fall forage production under rain-fed conditions,” says Mike Trammell, Noble Foundation plant breeder.
NF201 triticale is an alternative small grains forage for producers and is best adapted to the areas of southern Oklahoma and northern Texas. It is more productive on marginal lands and requires less management under stressful conditions compared to wheat, according to Trammell.
Maton II (NF306) is intended for use in fall through winter grazing systems. Maton II produces more total forage when compared to the commonly grown rye varieties in southern Oklahoma, with more than half of its total yield produced during the early growing season. Maton II is suited for light-textured and sandy loam soils, and is well adapted to southern Oklahoma, northern and eastern Texas, and the southeastern United States.
NF402 is a winter-type forage oat intended for pasture and forage production. “The early fall-winter forage production of this oat is particularly valuable, allowing producers better flexibility for earlier grazing or increased stockpiling,” Trammell says.