New Research Leader Joins TGAC and the Sainsbury Laboratory

Ksenia Krasileva joins The Genome Analysis Centre’s science faculty to lead the institute’s new Triticeae Genomics Group, in joint appointment with The Sainsbury Laboratory.
As Triticeae Genomics Group leader, Krasileva is responsible for the generation, integration, investigation and release of improved genomic data for wheat and other triticeae species.
“I believe that we can make high impact by deciphering information encoded in the wheat genome,” Krasilevasays. “Novel technologies provide the means to understand the highly complex and repetitive nature of wheat DNA. By combining genomics with molecular biology, we can expand our knowledge of plant-pathogen interactions and enable new solutions to increase yield.”
Engaging with international partners and collaborators, Krasileva and her team will intends to deploy the software for whole-genome assembly and analyses, incorporating a variety of data sets and generation of novel data. The genome sequence data will be prepared for public release in collaboration with other research groups at TGAC and the European Bioinformatics Institute.
Ksenia joins TGAC and TSL from University of California, Davis, where she led the development of advanced genomics tools for wheat.