Maneuvering Through the Regulatory Maze
The recent increase of new traits to feed a growing population is putting unrelenting pressure on both the regulatory system and seed industry—what progress is being made?
Harmonizing Regulations for Better Trade
Work is being done to ensure phytosanitary regulations around the world are clear and in sync.
The Native Seed Industry: Not For the Faint-Hearted
This niche market had a profitable and relatively stable year, but its future is in question as the government dishes out a new federal budget and farm bill.
Organic Seed Industry at a Crossroads
Increased organic seed production in the United States may require changes to national organic certification regulations.
experts together
The American Seed Trade Association’s CSS 2011 & Seed Expo, being held December 6-9 in Chicago, Ill., will feature the nation’s top corn, sorghum and soybean seed researchers who will share their latest findings, technology developments and future outlook. Read More…