NAPB Annual Meeting to Focus on Improving Efficiency in Breeding Programs

On Aug. 15-18 in Raleigh, North Carolina, the National Association of Plant Breeders will hold its annual meeting where plant breeders working on plant species ranging from blueberry to soybean to loblolly pine will get together to share research and tricks of their trade. Who knows what you may learn from a hops breeder, for example?

Tour three experiment stations and learn about breeding programs working to improve cotton, cucumber, melons, peanuts, soybean, stevia, sweet potato, and tobacco.  Participants will travel by chartered bus from Raleigh to Clayton, Rocky Mount, Kinston, and Clinton.

Attendees will be welcomed by Dean Richard Linton from North Carolina State University (NCSU) and the keynote speaker will be Dr. Jim Holland from NCSU. Other presentations will be from 2015 NAPB award recipients Dr. Rex Bernardo and Dr. Jennifer Yates and 10 other selected speakers who drive innovation and genetic improvement of agronomic, horticultural, tree, and specialty crops.

If you’re thinking about attending, take this opportunity to join NAPB now. The registration fee for members is reduced, essentially making your NAPB membership free to you if you were planning on attending the meeting.

More information is available at: