Munson Hybrids Expands into Minnesota


2015 saw expansion and growth for Munson Hybrids adding district sales managers and sales representatives in Illinois and Wisconsin, and expanding into Minnesota for the first time in Munson’s 80+ year history. Munson notched an overall 25 percent increase in its sales representative network.
Strong performance in state, third party and company plots increased demand for Munson seed equating to the need for more sales personnel. Plus, strong growth in Wisconsin seed sales since Munson’s initial introduction in the dairy state back in 2009 translated to the natural progression into the neighboring state of Minnesota.
“The demand for locally-adapted corn & soybean seed has really exploded these last few years as farmers experience improved yield utilizing seed grown specifically for local field and agronomic condition,” said John Hennenfent, CEO and president. “Although finding sales representatives who exemplify the Munson personal way of doing business is a challenge, we’ve actually had good recruits seek us out as a result of our reputation in the industry.”
Munson Hybrids is a regional, family-owned seed company that meets the corn, soybean, silage, alfalfa, small grain and cover crop seed needs of farmers in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.