Arcadia Biosciences Receives Final Regulatory Approval for Stress Tolerant Soybeans in Argentina

soybean gene

California-based Arcadia Biosciences announces that its joint venture with Bioceres S.A., Verdeca, has received approval of its HB4 stress tolerance trait in soybeans by Argentina’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
The president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, made the official announcement on Monday at a special event broadcasted nationwide. Verdeca’s completion of the regulatory process in Argentina for HB4 stress-tolerant soybeans is the world’s first for an abiotic stress tolerance trait in this crop.
In six seasons of multi-location field trials in Argentina and the United States, including three years of regulatory field trials, the HB4 trait has demonstrated yield increases of up to 14 percent under multiple stresses – including drought and low-water conditions – typically found in soybean production areas.
More information is available here: