Dow Expresses Interest in Syngenta Seed Unit

Andrew Liveris

Dow chief executive officer Andrew Liveris reveals the company would be interested in Syngenta’s seed business if Monsanto were to acquire its Swiss rival.
In an interview with Bloomberg Business, Liveris says “If there is a round of consolidation that makes sense for our investors we will be at the table,” and goes on to say “there could be an opportunity” for Dow if Monsanto were to pursue its interest in taking over Syngenta.
Last week, Monsanto president and chief executive officer Brett Begemann says any hostile bid the company might make for Swiss rival Syngenta is “a ways out yet.”
In an interview with Reuters, Begemann says Monsanto is eager to find out more about Syngenta’s research capabilities and sales numbers before deciding whether or not Monsanto would proceed with a hostile takeover.
Syngenta recently rejected Monsanto’s takeover bid, saying it rejects the proposal because “it is not in the best interests of Syngenta, its shareholders and its stakeholders.”