Dow Opens New Latin America Research Center

Dow AgroSciences opens its new and largest biotechnology research center in Latin America — the only one that can conduct advanced and comprehensive seed testing in the region. The complex will be used in the research of tropical seeds with capacity to meet demand in Latin America.
Compared to the current process, the new research center will offer time-saving benefits — two years on average — for the research to be completed, which translates into productivity gains for farmers, with sustainability and greater profitability for the sector.
Providing a gain of 80 percent production capacity of the company’s seed hybrids in Brazil, the new laboratory represents the strengthening of the Seeds portfolio with even more innovative solutions adapted to the needs and characteristics of the soil and climate.
The new research center lab was designed with the most modern technology available today, and allows for continuous updates, further improving the current level of efficiency. Having the latest technology will provide quick market access to the best hybrids with the best traits, the company says.