DuPont Pioneer Launches BOLT Technology

A new herbicide-tolerant trait, BOLT technology, will be available in select U.S. soybean varieties, according to DuPont Pioneer. For 2015, farmers across the Mid-South will have access to Pioneer brand T Series soybeans with the Roundup Ready trait and BOLT technology for maturity groups IV and V.
A native trait, BOLT technology provides soybeans with enhanced tolerance to DuPont LeadOff and DuPont Basis Blend herbicides to give farmers more burndown options in reduced or no-till situations.
“Pioneer T Series soybean varieties with BOLT technology will help farmers reduce weed competition from planting through harvest by enabling new uses for proven, field-tested herbicides,” says Andre Trepanier, DuPont Pioneer soybean marketing manager.
Pending herbicide label approvals, soybean with BOLT technology will be the only varieties that can be planted immediately following burndown applications of LeadOff and Basis Blend. These herbicides are labeled for application to corn and will be labeled for zero-day plant-back following burndown if planted with soybeans with BOLT technology. This will allow farmers the flexibility to make planting-time decisions on whether to plant corn or soybeans.