Dow AgroSciences’ Chris Boomsma Named Future Giant of the Industry

Dow AgroSciences’ Chris Boomsma Named Future Giant of the Industry
Today (June 12) Seed World, in partnership with the Future Seed Executives of the American Seed Trade Association, recognized Chris Boomsma, Dow AgroSciences agronomic traits product characterization leader, with the 2014 Future Giant of the Seed Industry Award.
Each year, the Future Giant of the Seed Industry Award recognizes an early career individual who demonstrates a commitment to the seed industry and shows the potential to make a significant contribution to the industry.
“We had several outstanding nominations for this award,” said Seed World Editor Julie Deering, who presented the award in Indianapolis, Indiana. “While it was a very competitive pool of talent, Chris’s nomination quickly rose to the top.”
Boomsma is a graduate of Purdue University’s Ph.D program in agronomy. Upon completion, he went to work for Dow AgroSciences in 2009 as a crop physiologist and agronomist. During the past five years, he’s transitioned into the area of adaptation development leader and currently serves as agronomic traits product characterization leader.
Active in the American Society of Agronomy and the American Seed Trade Association, Boomsma is an ambassador for the industry. Today, he is working with a team to help develop and execute the company’s precision agriculture strategy.
“Research in the seed industry brings together low- and high-tech research tools, laboratory and field research settings, and the daily employment of both well-established and leading-edge scientific discoveries,” Boomsma says. “It’s a real privilege to work in this industry at this time.”
Look for more about Boomsma in the next issue of Seed World.