Bayer SeedGrowth | ISF – 2013 Interviews

FROM THE FLOOR at ISF 2013 International Seed Federation World Seed Congress

Martin Gruss from Bayer CropScience speaks to Shawn Brook, President of Seed World Media at the 2013 ISF World Seed Congress in Athens, Greece regarding the new SeedGrowth


Matthias Haug from Bayer CropScience speaks to Shawn Brook, President of Seed World Media at the 2013 ISF World Seed Congress in Athens, Greece regarding the new SeedGrowth


Matthias Pelm-Lindecke from Bayer CropScience speaks to Shawn Brook, President of Seed World Media at the 2013 ISF World Seed Congress in Athens, Greece regarding the new SeedGrowth


Marc Andrieux from Bayer CropScience speaks to Shawn Brook, President of Seed World Media at the 2013 ISF World Seed Congress in Athens, Greece regarding the new SeedGrowth
Georgi Bonev from Bayer CropScience speaks to Shawn Brook, President of Seed World Media at the 2013 ISF World Seed Congress in Athens, Greece regarding the new SeedGrowth