2014 Future Giants of the Seed Industry

It’s a Learning Obsession

A love of science takes Chris Boomsma from the south-side of Chicago to Indiana’s corn fields. Seed World sits down with the 2014 Future Giant of the Seed Industry award winner and explores the realities that keep him motivated. Read More Here.

Jim Schweigert (left) presents the award to Andrew Lauver (center), on his right John Chism.


Future Giants Winner 2013 – Andrew Lauver

Seed World in partnership with the American Seed Trade Association’s Future Seed Executives (FuSE) Committee awarded Andrew Lauver with the Future Giants of the Seed Industry Award for 2013.

The Future Giants of the Seed Industry award annually recognizes an individual who is in the graduation year of his/her post-secondary program who plans to enter the seed industry, or is currently employed in the seed industry and is seen as a rising leader. The award is given to an individual who shows the potential to make a significant contribution to the industry.

Listen here for the full InterviewAndrew Lauver and Seed World Publisher Shawn Brook discuss his award, his new career and his future in the seed industry. Click below.

Future Giants of the Seed Industry Award

The Future Giants of the Seed Industry program is sponsored by Seed World and FuSE (Future Seed Executives), an initiative of The American Seed Trade Association, and Seed World magazine. The recipient will be chosen by the Seed World Advisory Board—a panel of seed industry experts.

June 2012:
2012 Future Giants of the Industry Award Winner (news release)
June 2011:
2011 Future Giants of the Industry Award Winner (news release)
June 2010:
2010 Future Giants of the Industry Award Winner (news release)