Thanks for Setting the Stage – Jane Bachmann

Thanks for Setting the Stage - Jane Bachmann

Seed World continues celebrating women during Women’s History Month.

Jane Bachmann is the Global Head of Seed Business Communications at Corteva Agriscience, where she leads strategic communication efforts for the company’s global seed business. With extensive experience in agriculture and corporate communications, she has played a key role in shaping messaging and outreach strategies within the industry. Passionate about sustainable agriculture and leadership development, she actively collaborates with institutions like Iowa State University and mentors young professionals through organizations such as the Public Relations Society of America.

When Bachmann moved back to Iowa for a job at DuPont Pioneer (now Corteva Agriscience), her husband took on the role of staying home with their kids for a few years. One evening at the dinner table, when their children were around 12 and 10, she spoke about the challenges generations of women had faced in the workplace. Her kids, growing up in a household where their mother’s career was thriving, pushed back. “Mom, you’re exaggerating … YOU don’t have any trouble, and women aren’t treated differently,” they told her. In that moment, she realized she had sheltered them — where they hadn’t yet seen the barriers women had to overcome.

Now, a decade later, her perspective has come full circle. Her daughter, about to turn 21, has entered the workforce and has gotten a glimpse of the reality herself. “It’s amazing how far we have come, but there is still room for improvement,” Bachmann says, reflecting on how experience shapes awareness. “I hope progress continues faster than anyone could have imagined.”