From Chicken Barn to Bumper Crop: The (Almost Unbelievable) Story of One Very, Very Useful Fungi

When my uncle, Jim Arends, first examined Beauveria bassiana in a chicken barn, he would never have guessed it would lead to a product that strengthens plants from the inside out, increasing yields and bolstering them against environmental stress. As a professor at North Carolina State University in the Department of Entomology and Veterinary School, he was fascinated by the potential of this fungus. But it was a farmer’s bold experiment that revealed the scope of its effects. 

Initially, my uncle was looking for a solution to darkling beetle infestations and observed a white bloom infecting the beetles. Investigation showed that this was Beauveria bassiana, a fungus that infects both larval and adult stages of the beetles. 

Ben Arends is the VP of Production and Marketing for JABB of the Carolina’s.

A team of researchers worked to figure out how to harness B. bassiana and bring it to a commercial scale, and my uncle founded JABB of the Carolinas in 1994 to bring this unique pest control solution to poultry barns. It took time, effort, and financial risk to launch the business, but it paid off. 

This business grew and thrived, until the bird flu changed the poultry landscape.

Buildings were redesigned to prevent outbreaks, and ultimately changed the pest complex, decreasing the market for B. bassiana in poultry barns. 

However, at the same time, research was emerging showing the beneficial effects of B. bassiana when used as a seed treatment, which led one of our shareholders to try it on his wheat seed. 

He was growing organic wheat and was struggling with Hessian fly. He used the liquid formulation for his treatment, which made a mess, but he managed to get it into the ground. His wheat was exceptional all year – his yield was higher, and he had none of the mycotoxins that everyone else fought with. He wasn’t certain that it was due to the treatment, but he tried it again the next year and had the same results. This led us to where we are now.

Research determined that B. bassiana doesn’t just populate the area around the plant like most biological treatments. It incorporates into the plant as an endophyte, living between the plant cells. Plants with endophytic relationships have improved photosynthetic efficiency, enhanced resistance to stresses, and increased growth due to more efficient nutrient transfer and communication within the plant.

JABB reformulated the product for crop application, and this was commercially available in 2016. We offer organic and conventional formulations for seedbox, foliar, drip irrigation, furrow, and commercial seed treatment applications.

The results have been impressive. Looking at yield alone, trials show an average increase of seven bushels for corn and three bushels for soybeans – often more pronounced in areas of high stress.

Our product is unique. Most B. bassiana is isolated from insects, but we isolate our B. bassiana from plants, resulting in increased colonization of plants and improved responses over those using insect isolates. 

Corn and soybeans are our largest markets, but there is a broad range of crops it benefits. Specialty crops, fruit orchards, nut trees, vegetables – there hasn’t been anything it hasn’t helped.

My uncle asked me to join the company three years ago when it was clear JABB of the Carolinas was on a growth curve big enough to require help. My family farmed in Iowa, and I have agriculture science education, so I am excited to be involved in offering a product that can so vastly improve the bottom line for my fellow farmers. 

Find out more about how Beauveria bassiana products strengthen plants from the inside out.