Stalk Talk BIG QUESTION 4: Five Years From Now, Who’s Winning?

Seed World Group’s president Shawn Brook sat down with IPSA president Todd Martin and IPSA executive director Cat Frans to talk frankly about the current state of the seed industry and what’s ahead.

The world, including the world of seed, is changing at an incredible rate. What’s ahead? 

“There are going to be winners that aren’t even on your radar right now,” Brook said. “There’s going to be winners that aren’t even on my radar right now. There’s going to be new iterations, there is going to be joint ventures. There is going to be investments coming down the pipe that we don’t even see coming.”

One thing is certain: success won’t come to those who just have a great idea. 

“No longer is the great mousetrap the ultimate solution. You need to have the right partners, the right money, the right story and the right face,” he added. “Gone are the days where you can just come up with something really cool and it’ll just go into the world and be successful. This idea of having those components built in, in place and a strategy and a plan to make that happen, that’s what’s going to be key to success.”

Though some might argue the biggest companies are faltering right now, Brook said they are, instead, using prudence in selecting next steps. 

“I think when we’re seeing these big companies perhaps taking a couple steps backwards, that is not to retreat forever. That is to retreat a little bit so they can push forward on the next push,” he said.

It’s a tactic independent companies would be smart to follow. While most independent seed companies have a whole fist full of ‘tactics’, only the best prepared have actually developed a plan. 

Forming a strategy is an admittedly difficult thing. 

“We have to look into a crystal ball and anticipate what’s going to happen. And we have to be prepared to be wrong… to make a decision and go in that direction,” Brook said. “That takes bravery: genuine, actual bravery. But if we can be brave and make that step, then we have a shot at success.”

One thing that is poised to fundamentally change the seed marketplace is competition. In 2025, a number of trait products will be coming off patent. In 2027, a veritable landslide of corn traits will follow suit. 

“It does seem that, with the exception of Bayer’s RNAi technology in biotechnology traits, we’ve kind of run the gamut on insect traits,” Martin said. “There are a lot of things that are popping up with regards to herbicide traits and soybeans, but again, hitting some speed bumps.”

So, what’s ahead in traits, and how will that impact independents?

“Off-patent developments are going to be gigantic, and I think a gigantic opportunity for independents,” Brook said. “Do we need the absolute best possible, 100% top-tier option, or do we need an option that fits better into making our producers successful? And what does successful mean? That means profitable and sustainable… The opportunity is to have our eyes open of what’s available and not fall into the, ‘Well, we’ve always done it this way,’ mentality.”

A prime example of openness to change is organic. In the early 2000s, most organizations reacted to the word ‘organic’ with derision. Now, organic is one of many niche opportunities. 

“When I think of the conversations I had 20 years ago when I first started coming to your meetings, the word ‘organic’, I might as well have spat when I said it,” Brook said. “It was like the worst possible word I could ever say at that meeting. And now I know for a fact that a lot of your folks are using that O word to their advantage and building part of their business toward that. Is it the biggest part? No, but the ones that are going to be successful going forward are going to be open to these other possibilities.” 

(… listen to Stalk Talk excerpt about who will be winning five years from now)

Stalk Talk BIG QUESTION 1: What’s the word on the street about what’s motivating seed companies? 

Stalk Talk BIG QUESTION 2: Do independent seed companies have a role in an Amazon-powered marketing reality?

Stalk Talk BIG QUESTION 3: How can an independent seed company prepare for the new reality?