“Forever Chemicals” Increasing in U.S. Pesticides

Study shows alarming trends.

A peer-reviewed study published today in Environmental Health Perspectives reveals that per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), known as “forever chemicals,” are increasingly being incorporated into U.S. pesticide products. This alarming trend threatens to contaminate waterways and poses significant risks to human health.

Researchers from the Center for Biological Diversity, Environmental Working Group, and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility conducted the first comprehensive review of how PFAS are introduced into U.S. pesticide products. These substances are found in pesticides used on staple foods like corn, wheat, kale, spinach, apples, and strawberries, as well as in household flea treatments and insect-killing sprays.

Key Findings:

  • Prevalence: 14% of all U.S. pesticide active ingredients are PFAS, including nearly one-third of active ingredients approved in the past decade.
  • Toxic Contaminants: Highly toxic PFAS chemicals, such as PFOA and PFOS, have been detected in some pesticide products, likely due to leaching from fluorinated containers and other unknown sources.
  • Environmental Impact: PFAS from pesticides have been found in streams and rivers nationwide.
  • Complex Mixtures: Pesticides can accumulate PFAS from multiple sources, leading to mixtures of different PFAS chemicals.
  • Regulatory Gaps: The current U.S. pesticide regulatory framework is insufficient to identify and assess PFAS risks adequately.
Expert Reactions

Nathan Donley, environmental health science director at the Center for Biological Diversity, expressed grave concern in the joint group’s news release:

“This is truly frightening news because pesticides are some of the most widely dispersed pollutants in the world. Lacing pesticides with forever chemicals is likely burdening the next generation with more chronic diseases and impossible cleanup responsibilities. The EPA needs to get a grasp on this fast-emerging threat right away.”

David Andrews, a senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group, highlighted the widespread threat:

“Toxic PFAS have no place in our food, water, or homes, posing a serious threat to our health and environment. The increasing use of PFAS pesticides will lead to increasing levels of PFAS in the environment. Their presence not only endangers agricultural workers and communities but also jeopardizes downstream water sources, where pesticide runoff can contaminate drinking supplies.”

Kyla Bennett, PEER Science policy director, criticized regulatory failures:

“I can think of no better way to poison people and the environment than to spray PFAS-laden pesticides on our crops and in our homes. The blame for this contamination crisis lies squarely on EPA’s shoulders.”

Detailed Findings and Background

The study examined both active and inert PFAS ingredients in pesticides. Researchers found that pesticides are likely accumulating PFAS contamination from fluorinated containers and other undetermined sources. The study identified 66 PFAS active ingredients approved for use in the U.S. Eight approved inert ingredients are PFAS, including Teflon. Notably, the EPA has proposed canceling Teflon use in pesticide products.

An estimated 20% to 30% of plastic containers used for pesticides and fertilizers are fluorinated and can leach PFAS into their contents. The study also highlighted the immunotoxicity of PFAS, with 40% of PFAS active ingredients classified as immunotoxic by the EPA. However, the EPA often waives immunotoxicity study requirements for pesticides, limiting its ability to detect such harms.

U.S. regulators have monitored pollution from only 13 of the 66 approved PFAS active ingredients in pesticides. Twelve of these 13 have been found in American streams and rivers, sometimes at high concentrations.

Recommendations for Improved Oversight

The authors suggest several regulatory improvements to address PFAS contamination:

  • Discontinue fluorinating plastic containers.
  • Require the identification of all inert ingredients on pesticide labels.
  • Enhance immunotoxicity testing for PFAS ingredients.
  • Regulate pesticides based on environmental persistence, regardless of toxicity.
  • Expand environmental and biomonitoring programs to include all PFAS pesticides.
  • Assess cumulative impacts from fluorinated byproducts common to multiple pesticide active ingredients.