Dan Foor Activated as New ASTA Chair

Foor encouraged ASTA members with stories of how his leadership has been activated throughout his career leading up to this point.

Dan Foor, senior vice president of distribution at DLF North America, is the new chair of the American Seed Trade Association’s (ASTA) board of directors. In a gavel-passing ceremony at ASTA’s Leadership Summit in Nashville, Dave Armstrong, concluded his one-year term and shared thanks and personal reflections in his final address.

“The one year of chairship is like the Native Americans say, ‘the breath of a buffalo passes quickly.’ And now it is my great honor to pass this on,” Armstrong said.

Acknowledging the ASTA staff, Armstrong praised their dedication and hard work.

“Andy (LaVigne), you have built an amazing team. I’m honored to have worked with them, particularly this year as chair,” he said.

As he handed the gavel to Foor, Armstrong recalled their shared experiences.

“Dan, it’s truly an honor to pass the gavel on to you. We’ve had a great year together with our Triple D—Dave (Armstrong), Dave (Treinen), and Dan(Foor)—monthly virtual happy hours,” Armstrong said.

Foor, stepping into his new role, expressed his admiration for Armstrong’s leadership.

“My first order of business is to heap praise on Dave for his fantastic leadership this past year. We learned a lot from each other, and it was an honor to work with him,” Foor said.

In his acceptance remarks, Foor emphasized the collective effort required for effective leadership.

“Leadership is not one person; it’s a team. We have the entire ASTA staff as part of our leadership this next year,” he stated.

Foor also shared insights from his experiences and set forth his vision for the year ahead, emphasizing action and activation.

“Nothing good happens without action. If there’s inaction, oftentimes, not so good things happen,” Foor said, encouraging members to get involved.

Foor highlighted several key activations that shaped his journey:

  1. Family Influence: Growing up in Muscatine, Iowa, Foor was activated by his mother, who instilled in him a strong work ethic and the belief that circumstances do not define one’s potential.
  2. FFA Involvement: As a member of the FFA, Foor was activated by his agriculture advisor, who encouraged him to work on a pig farm and get involved in livestock judging and leadership development.
  3. Early Career at Becker Underwood: Foor’s first job out of college at Becker Underwood, under the mentorship of Roger Underwood, activated his sense of entrepreneurship and passion for agriculture.
  4. Personal Courage: Foor’s involvement with the Ames Jaycees gave him the courage to ask his now-wife, Beth, on their first date—a relationship that has flourished over 25 years of marriage.
  5. International Experience: Working at Monsanto for 12 years, Foor lived in South America and Mexico, gaining a global perspective on the agriculture industry.
  6. Leadership at DLF: His role as senior vice president of distribution for DLF North America further honed his leadership skills and commitment to the agricultural community.
  7. Involvement with ASTA: Encouraged by a colleague from his Monsanto days, Foor became actively involved with ASTA, appreciating the opportunity to give back to an industry that has given him so much.

Foor concluded with a commitment to supporting ASTA members on their leadership journeys and highlighted the 2025 Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C.

“My goal is to activate our members and ensure we continue to make progress together,” he said.