Yield10 Makes Strides on Weed Control for Camelina

Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. has made significant progress on enabling weed control for camelina cultivation, an Oct. 11 news release said. Yield10 is developing camelina with tolerance to a broad leaf herbicide and herbicide package that incorporates tolerance for over-the-top application of broadleaf herbicide and tolerance to soil residual Group 2 herbicides.

“The Yield10 team is making significant progress toward our goal of launching elite herbicide tolerant camelina for producing feedstock oil for the biofuels market,” Kristi Snell, chief science officer for Yield10, said in the release. “We aim to facilitate the seamless integration of camelina with current weed control and crop rotation practices of major crops in order to enable the planting of camelina on large-scale acreage.”

To date Yield10 has been able to develop commercial quality herbicide tolerant camelina. They were able to demonstrate tolerance to over-the-top spray application of a commonly used broad leaf herbicide in its E3902 HT camelina in three cycles of field testing, the release noted. Additional field test data is being collected and grain and protein meal samples analyzed to support the use of HT Camelina meal in livestock feed. Throughout 2023, Yield10 has conducted seed scale-up activities that will continue in the contra season in Chile.

Yield10 has developed elite camelina varieties with a robust weed control package based on tolerance to a broad leaf herbicide application as well as to soil residues of Group 2 herbicides, the release said. Yield10 plans to conduct seed scale-up activities in contra season in Chile for this variety. The researchers have developed candidate stacked HT winter camelina and are testing stacked it in field tests for the first time this winter.