There’s a Next Gen Leader in Your Office — We Just Haven’t Met Them Yet!

Being a leader in today’s world is difficult. Think about all the uncertainties we’ve had since the onset of the pandemic three years ago: supply chain disruptions, policy changes, remote work, a move back to traditional office work, the Russian invasion of Ukraine… It is a daunting task to not only balance your home and work life, but also to consider everything the world’s throwing at us.

That’s why Seed World is excited to find 2023’s Next Gen Leaders. Now more than ever, those young leaders in our offices need support. Though we might not be able to solve every problem thrown at the seed sector, we can provide one thing: encouragement, recognition and appreciation.

We’re putting out a call to the seed sector to find young leaders across the U.S. and Canada to find who’s making a difference in their organizations and the seed sector in general. Do you know someone keeping up company morale? Make sure to nominate them. Is someone on your team really making a big impact in what they’re doing day-to-day? Send in their name.

Finalists will be picked by the Seed World editors and editorial board to be featured in the September issue of Seed World, and, we’ll also be picking the Future Leader of the Seed Industry — a member of the Next Gen pack who stands above the rest and is bringing the most change to the industry.

Make sure to nominate someone to be a Next Gen Leader today. Entries are due by June 6.