ASTA Releases New Updated Guide

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) announced their recently updated guide is now available according to a release. The guide primarily assists farmers and landowners as well as others to locate seed suppliers to provide environmental, conservation, and cover crop seed of quality. The Conservation, Environmental, and Cover Crop Seed Resource Guide enables potential buyers to find specific seed in geographic locations nearby to support sustainability.

“It’s important to plan proactively, and as far in advance as possible, to ensure your local, professional seed dealer has your selection of seed in stock when and where you need it,” said ASTA president & CEO Andy LaVigne. “Professionally produced and processed seed is designed to help farmers achieve success through managing the use of the right seed, at the right place, at the right time. It has been selected, harvested, cleaned, analyzed, processed and packaged for performance; and it has been tested for purity and germination. All of this helps ensure you get the best quality seed to meet your production and sustainability goals, while minimizing the presence of invasive and other weeds.”

View the recently-updated Conservation, Environmental, and Cover Crop Seed Resource Guide here.