Syngenta Announces Development of New Corn Herbicide

Syngenta’s corn herbicide Storen was designed for broad-spectrum weed control and is expected to be registered for use in the 2024 growing season.

Syngenta announced a new pre- and post-emergence grass and broadleaf corn herbicide being developed under the name Storen according to a release. Approval by the Environmental Protection Agency for registration is expected in time for the 2024 growing season and will give growers up to three weeks longer for weed control compared to other leading corn herbicides.

“Storen was specifically formulated to provide maximum residual weed control by the four active ingredients working together to provide consistency of control and length of residual control compared to other competitive residual corn herbicides,” said Mark Kitt, Syngenta technical product lead.

Storen is the newest member of the Syngenta bicyclopyrone (BIR) containing brands and combines four active ingredients. These four are BIR, mesotrione, S-metolachlor and pyroxasulfone. Storen also contains the crop safener benoxacor in one premix. The active ingredients work together to control the weeds barnyardgrass, foxtail species, waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, giant ragweed, common ragweed, Russian thistle, Cocklebur and Morningglory species.

Syngenta also stated that Storen will control broadleaf weed-resistant biotypes that are tolerant to acetolactate synthase, triazine and glyphosate herbicides.

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