New Partnership Spotlights Regenerative Agriculture Practices in EarthOptics Collaboration with ForGround by Bayer

EarthOptics partnered with ForGround by Bayer to help farmers be adopt and implement regenerative agriculture practices and provide them with expertise and resources in that area. EarthOptics can help farmers access resources to utilize these new practices according to a release.

What is ForGround?

ForGround is a digital platform offering farmers a wide variety of tools, resources, discounts. Farmers can utilize the platform to earn revenue through the Bayer Carbon Program, by adopting regenerative practices and advancing their sustainability. Farmers have enrolled millions of acres in ForGround by Bayer since it launched in August of 2022. It is currently the only industry initiative that brings together all these resources into one platform.

ForGround connects farmers with companies looking to advance sustainability and gives farmers more access to tools, technology and resources. EarthOptics brings their soil data maps to farmers that are ForGround members through the platform. Farms can see soil insights like compaction, carbon, moisture and nutrients. The resource will help them full utilize their farm’s soil and its potential.

Learn More about ForGround and member benefits, visit the ForGround website.