We Should All Be Striving For Above and Beyond

Chief Technology & Innovation Officer,
Activate Ag Labs

Shortly after graduating from the UEA with a degree in physics joined the R&D department at Germains Technology Group, who specialize in seed enhancement technologies. He spent two years investigating other industrial uses for seed treating equipment before moving across into seed coating polymers and application of biologicals to seed. During the nine years as a Research Scientist, he began a Master’s in Science through part-time study via the Open University, which was completed after having moved to the new position of Research Scientist at the Institute of Food Research, working on the DEFRA Link BBSRC project, Multiple Emulsions in Food. Simon has spent at least two decades formulating seed coating polymers which are effective in their attributes whilst maintaining products which have an environmental conscious content.

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Change, it is said, is the only true constant. One of the changes in our current era is the groundswell in acceptable behaviors.  We should care a whole lot less about being seen to do the right thing, and a whole lot more about actually doing the right thing, whether or not it’s seen, simply because it’s the right thing.

At Activate Ag, we’re doing our best to live that motto. Wherever we can, we’re making decisions in line with the spirit of new or coming regulations and guidelines, rather than simply following or manipulating them. This is not new for us: for example, we committed to ensuring APEOs (Alkylphenol ethoxylates) would not be used in our products many years ago, even though it was not a regulatory approval requirement. Our current intentions are to push harder: we fully intend to go deeper into the green space in meaningful ways.

There is growing concern that companies are making claims about themselves or their products that have not been substantiated, or in some cases are not even true. Therefore, when we go out into the marketplace, we’re committed to ensuring our products have verifiable standards. We will begin with what is required by new regulations as new regulations are still being implemented. We then intend to exceed the limits of what is required and further push the boundaries of what is possible. We see ourselves as frontrunners, pushing ahead of regulation in the direction befitting the spirit in which the regulations are intended.

Going above and beyond not only resonates with customers and the wider community, it’s building an ever stronger and committed Activate Ag team, where we know our individual contributions are building something proven, meaningful and authentic. We invite you to join us!