When Creating a Brand, Emily Negrin Says It’s Important to Have a Good Story

If you’re new to the seed sector, one thing’s obvious: You need to establish a good, strong brand in order to get recognition at conferences, meetings and in the marketplace. Without a strong brand, your hard work might go unnoticed.

“A lot of the time, people think it’s hard to be the small, new player,” says Emily Negrin, vice president of corporate affairs for Inari, in a Seed World Giant Views interview at the American Seed Trade Association’s CSS & Seed Expo in Chicago. “But it’s also a great opportunity because nobody knows our story  — it gives us a chance to really establish ourselves and our story.”

Though newer to the sector — at only about six years old — that’s exactly what Inari has been working towards: building a strong, recognizable brand with a passionate story.

But, what’s the key to building that brand and story?

Know what your ‘why’ is, Negrin says.

“What’s the purpose of your company? What’s the bigger thing that you’re driving towards?” she asks. “From there, it’s all about being able to clearly articulate that, which is sometimes the hardest part. It’s really important that you’re able to articulate your story in a quick and simple manner because all of us have short attention spans. No one wants to listen to a 30-minute answer to a simple question of what your company does.”

Instead, Negrin believes perfecting your elevator pitch is important, and keeping your story consistent. Though you might get tired of telling the same story over and over again, keeping it consistent ensures that your message is coming through properly. And remember — just because you’ve heard it a million times, doesn’t mean everyone has or remembers.

“Having that consistency builds recognition,” Negrin says.

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