How to Communicate Successfully in the Biotech Sphere

Aiden Brook, business development manager at Seed World Group, sat down with Gabriella Levitus, executive director of Argenbio, at the Seed Association of the Americas (SAA)’s 8th Seed Congress of the Americas. Levitus chats with Brook about the communication campaigns she is spearheading at Argenbio and how crucial effective communication is to the biotechnology industry.

“We have to learn how to communicate and try to do our best. It’s very important that people understand what we do, how things are made, how things are produced and the science behind all these processes, which is very difficult to explain sometimes,” she explains.

Argenbio works to inform the general public, farmers, health professionals and more with communication campaigns surrounding topics including innovation and the safety of seed to help elevate the understanding of the biotechnology industry. With these campaigns come challenges of how to communicate in the most effective way. For Argenbio, concerns of the general public are the top priority.

“The first lesson is trying to address people’s concerns first, before sending our messages. We have to accept that they are worried about different topics,” she adds. “In Argentina, we communicate a lot about GMOs. It’s not an issue in terms of communication, but of public perception. People are worried about how food is produced from the field, the impact on the environment and the herbicides. So, if people are worried about that, we have to address that.”

For companies beginning their journey in communication, Levitus’ greatest piece of advice is to identify the core message and target audience that the information needs to be shared with.

To learn more, watch the full video below:

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