Syngenta Announces New Sales and Technical Team Members for Golf, Lawn Care and Aquatics

Syngenta is excited to announce several appointments across its golf, lawn care and aquatics businesses. With the addition of the newly created key account manager positions, we continue to increase our commitment to the golf and lawn care industries to better serve our customers and meet their agronomic needs.

“With years of experience in this industry, our new team members are well-suited to provide exceptional support to professionals across the country,” said Dave Ravel, head of sales for Syngenta Professional Solutions in a release from Syngenta. “We’re excited to have their many years of experience and see their commitment to our industry and our customers. They step into their new positions as we say thank you and congratulations to retirees Michael Agnew, Larry Feller, Gregg Schaner and Lee Kozsey who, combined, have dedicated approximately 150 years to serving the green industry and supporting the Syngenta technical and sales teams.”

New technical services representative

Lisa Beirn, Ph.D. has been named technical services representative within the turf business. Beirn completed her Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and doctorate from Rutgers University. Since January 2016, she has been an integral part of the Syngenta field development team as a research and development scientist, coordinating various turf field and lab trials in the Northeast such as dollar spot.

“Having been an R&D scientist, I have a deep appreciation for how much hard work, time and resources are put into developing and testing new chemistries. Our customers can rest assured knowing that when a new product is available, it is high quality and has been thoroughly researched,” Beirn said.

In addition to her extensive dollar spot research and support in launching Posterity brand fungicides, Beirn spent over six years developing annual bluegrass weevil solutions.

“We are excited to have Lisa join our experienced team of regional technical managers including Lane Tredway, Ph.D., Dean Mosdell, Ph.D., and Matt Giese, M.S.,” said Mark Coffelt, head of technical services for Syngenta Professional Solutions.

New Territory Managers to the Syngenta Team

Southeast District: 

Tommy Hewitt has been named territory manager for the Atlanta, Georgia; Birmingham, Alabama; and Chattanooga, Tennessee, turf markets. Previously, Hewitt worked at ClubCorp where he spent the last seven years as regional director of agronomy. Additionally, he served as superintendent at Windermere Golf Club and Country Club of the South in Cumming, Georgia.

Madelyn Tappan joins as a territory manager for the coastal southeast turf markets. Tappan previously worked for Trap Woods, Inc., in Delaware, where she was a crop consultant and agricultural sales representative for the past seven years. She received her Bachelor of Science in environmental horticulture and agriculture from Virginia Tech.

Matt Drayton is now serving as the territory manager for Virginia, eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina. Drayton joins us after serving eight years as superintendent at The Federal Club. He received his Bachelor of Science in turfgrass management from the University of Georgia.

Northeast District:

Chris Marra is now serving as the turf territory manager in northern New Jersey, eastern New York and Vermont. Marra holds a Bachelor of Science in turfgrass science from Penn State University. Before joining Syngenta, Marra was the superintendent at Maplewood Country Club in New Jersey.

Midwest District: 

Eric Schutman has been named the turf territory manager in Michigan and will continue to serve the aquatics market in Michigan as well. Schutman received his Bachelor of Science in agronomy from North Carolina State University. After joining Syngenta nine years ago, he worked in aquatic weed management in the Midwest and Northeast as well as lawn care in Ohio.

Gina Zirkle has been named turf territory manager in Ohio. Zirkle received her Bachelor of Science in plant health management and Master of Science in environmental and natural resources from The Ohio State University. She joins Syngenta with industry knowledge from her experience working for Sun Gro Horticulture, AmericanHort, ScottsMiracle-Gro and The Ohio State University pathology lab. Additionally, she served as president of the Ohio Lawn Care Association and the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation.

Southeast Aquatic and Central Florida: 

Wykle Greene, Ph.D. joins as a territory manager for the Southeast aquatic and central Florida lawn care markets. Greene received his Bachelor of Science in agronomy and soils and Master of Science in weed science from Auburn University. Upon completion of his master’s degree, he attended Virginia Tech, where he obtained his doctorate in weed science and worked as a postdoctoral research associate prior to joining Syngenta.

New Key Account Manager Positions

Additionally, Gracee Hendrix has been appointed to the newly created role of key account manager. After graduating with her Bachelor of Science from Virginia Tech, Hendrix joined Syngenta in 2017 as a research and development specialist at the Vero Beach Research Center. In 2020, she became a territory sales manager for the coastal southeast. In this new key account manager role, her focus is on key growth areas within Syngenta. ‚Äã

Jason Whitecliffe has also been appointed to the newly created role of key account manager. He joined the Syngenta team in 2005 as a territory manager for turf. During his 17-year career at Syngenta, Whitecliffe has been a key contributor to the success of the company and will continue to be a trusted resource for key accounts across the business.”Gracee and Jason have been fundamental members of the Syngenta Professional Solutions team, providing consistent support to our customers across the country,” Ravel said. “We are fortunate for our exceptional growth that has allowed us to create these new roles, and we can’t wait to watch these individuals excel.”