BASF and the SCN Coalition Announce Second Annual SCN Action Month

Source: BASF and the SCN Coalition

BASF Agricultural Solutions and The SCN Coalition are combining forces to highlight soybean cyst nematode (SCN) during SCN Action Month for the second consecutive year.

SCN is one of the leading causes of soybean yield loss for North America. Recent estimates show the pest costs growers $1.5 billion in annual yield losses. SCN Action Month provides growers with tools and information to combat the devastating pest throughout the month-long initiative.

BASF will supply free soil test kits throughout October for the first 500 growers that submit their request online by October 31.

“We’re finding there are still growers who either aren’t aware of SCN or just don’t believe they have it in their field,” said Troy Bauer, BASF senior field technical representative for seed treatment, Western Corn Belt, in a release. “Soil testing during the month of October is key to this effort. When growers know their numbers, they can make a solid management plan for next year.”

Growers like Dan Ory, a grower from Earlham, Iowa, were surprised by the results from the SCN Action Month’s free soil test kit received last year.

“I had the opportunity to test my soil using one of the free test kits. I suspected we had nematodes, but I was surprised by how many,” said Ory. “It was a revelation that has changed how I’ll approach my soybean fields going forward.”

The foundation for SCN management is testing the soil, according to experts from The SCN Coalition.

“If a farmer doesn’t know he or she has SCN and isn’t actively managing it, yield potential can be lost,” said Greg Tylka, nematologist at Iowa State University. “It may be three or four bushels per acre, or it might be 23 to 24 bushels per acre. But you won’t know until you test your soil.”

Nematodes attack the plant’s roots, establishing feeding sites that draw nutrients and water away from the plant. Since the damage happens underground, nematodes can cause extreme yield losses without any visible signs. In 2021, the pathogen was found in 74% of sampled fields during SCN Action Month.

To learn more about managing SCN, watch the video below.

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Grow in the Know During SCN Action Month This October

New SCN Trait Deregulated for Defense Against the Billion Dollar Pest

BASF and The SCN Coalition Join Forces as Part of Soybean Cyst Nematode Action Month