New Corn Rootworm Biopesticide Receives EPA Registration

NewLeaf Symbiotics recently announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued registration for TS201 under Terrasym. The product contains Methylorubrum extorquens.

NewLeaf Symbiotics is collaborating with partners for “broad scale trialing and commercialization of the product,” which is pending state approvals, according to a release.

TS201 is a biopesticide that utilizes a special strain of natural bacteria — pink pigmented facultative methylotrophs (PPFMs) — to reduce the damage from corn rootworm root feeding.

Corn rootworm (CRW) is an annoying pest that pops up across the Midwest and can become a problem for the field quickly. Western corn rootworm has cost corn growers over $1 billion in yield loss and control expenditures annually.

NewLeaf Symbiotics believe its new product could offer growers another tool to tackle the challenges associated with corn rootworm damage.

“CRW causes significant yield losses among our customer base, especially in continuous corn areas and where Western Corn Rootworm variant populations exist,” said Edward Logan, president of Logan Agri-Service, Inc. “Having this type of product available as a planter box application removes substantial barriers for those growers without the ability to apply CRW insecticide at planting.”

Terrasym, NewLeaf’s line of products for corn and soybean, exhibits the benefits the strains of bacteria have on crops, with a “+2.0 Bu/A yield advantage with Terrasym 401 for Soybeans and a +4.5 Bu/A yield advantage with Terrasym 450 for Corn in 2020 IN10T FarmerTrials,” shared the release.

“TS201 is a product we’ve been working on for several years now,” said Allison Jack, Product Technical director at NewLeaf Symbiotics. “We’re thrilled to have received EPA registration for TS201 and are looking forward to large-scale commercial trialing with growers and partners in 2023.”

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