Anya Gandy Takes Sustainability to the Next Level


When it comes to sustainability, it’s top-of-mind for Inari’s Anya Gandy. And when it comes down to it, she says it’s absolutely necessary to keep it at the forefront of discussions.

“In this moment, we have both no choice and the only choice that matters,” Gandy, manager of corporate strategy and sustainability for Inari and one of Seed World’s Top 10 Next Generation Leaders, says. “Climate change is reshaping our industry, our world. The agricultural system changes we seed today for a climate-changing world will determine whether our future has clean air, drinkable water and healthy harvests.”

Raised on a farm in Oregon, Gandy has spent her career at the intersection of agriculture, energy and climate change — her career took her from policy work in Capitol Hill to million-hectare stations in the Australian Outback to Google. Though she’s only been 100% focused on the seed industry for the last two years at Inari, she says it’s always been an element of her work.

“Everything starts with seed — this industry is at the foundation of agriculture,” she says. “In that sense, I’ve had many years of touch points, be it seeding alfalfa on ranches or through the Noble Foundation and the National Farmers Union.”

Now at Inari, she helps focus on continuing to support a nature-positive agriculture industry and help Inari operate as a net positive company. But when it comes to the future, making this sustainability switch might be a challenge, but it’s not impossible.

“History shows our capacity for great change — as individuals, as an industry and as a society. We are creating the future together — let’s be creative,” she says.

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